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Created:Monday, February 12, 2018
Members: Monday, February 12, 2018 at 15:06 eastern (2256 days ago)
Public: Monday, February 12, 2018 at 15:06 eastern
Expiration:unknown (click this link)
Heat level:this is a HOT DEAL!
Countries:available in USA
Details:8x10 Photo Print for Free, In-Store Pickup, Code: VALPRINT
  1. Click here to select an 8"x10" print.
  2. Choose Glossy (not Matte), and the price shows $3.99.
  3. Click "Make this Product," then sign-in to (or a create) a CVS account.
  4. Upload a single photo. Try to use an original photo, not a downloaded Facebook or Twitter photo, to ensure the best non-grainy quality.
  5. Press "Add to Order".
  6. Make sure 8x10 quantity is 1, choose Glossy, and press "Order Now."
  7. Pick a CVS location for order pickup. The location must have same-day pickup available, otherwise the print will not be free.
  8. Enter promo code VALPRINT to get the $4 print for free.
Note, as mentioned above, the coupon only works if your local CVS has same-day in-store pickup available for your print order. If the coupon code VALPRINT does not apply a discount, try changing the CVS location on your order. Also, be sure to select "Glossy" finish, since Matte will not be available for in-store pickup at most locations. It may take a few tries to find a store with same-day in-store pickup.

Tips on photo quality.
  • For an 8x10 print, the image resolution should be at least 1536x1024, or about 1.5 megapixel. An iPhone 6, for example, has an 8-megapixel front camera, plenty for a quality print. Prints use about 4 times more detail than a screen, so blurriness will occur when the resolution is low despite looking good on a phone, tablet, or computer screen. This is why you should avoid using a Facebook or Twitter-downloaded image, because those online services often reduce uploaded image quality to about 0.7 megapixel to save space, good for on-screen display but blurry when printed.
  • Edges, shadows, and colors will pop, so use a photo editor to increase the contrast and/or vibrance, depending on the look you're going for.

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